Age 34, Male
Santiago, Chile
Joined on 7/26/08
Where's Hanks nemesis 2 );
i m sorry, i had to let it down for some personal issues :(
i hope to finish it one day
Hey JP! You haven't updated for a while... what up?
i m sorry :( i m on my first university year and i ve been kinda busy. i have an awesome madness game but i couldn't finish it on time and there it is... waiting to be finished....
i ve recently started to play with the as3 box2D engine..
So JP survived Earthquake?I saw location as CHILE............
i m fine, and u?
So... are you going to submit something on newgrounds? It's been almost a year since you don't update...
true...i ve been away for a long time...
i might be working on something, i ll update u if so ;)
just fine too
I dunno if JP still comes on... but raise your glass to the creator of the greatest Madness game ever created on NG. And those who disagree, they can certainly not deny that it was the most realistic. Cheers, Mr JPGarcia.
I do come back every few years :D thanks for the nice words man, cheers
Baby come back you can blame it on on me. so whats up?
Still alive, dude?
tic tacs
toe? ^.^